Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Pier Repair

Last weekend we had Daryl, Wendy and Brit up to the lake. E had big plans to repair the pier to our boat dock and Daryl offered to help out - I honestly don't think either of them knew how much work it would be. Brit and I used the golf cart to haul wood from the neighbor's yard down the street and bring it back to our house. We looked like total rednecks! E had the saw out cutting the wood into same size pieces and Daryl was out at the dock screwing in the wood. By mid-day they had it complete and it actually looked pretty good.

We grilled yummy steaks for dinner and just hung out that evening.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ever since we got back from California, E has wanted a kayak. We had such a blast on our kayak tour and it was a pretty good workout. I bought him a paddle for Christmas so he could buy the boat. We went to Sun and Ski and he found one he really liked. We got it all tied up to the truck and headed up to the lake. On our way out of town the handle of the kayak was hitting the top of the roof of the truck really loud over and over. E tied it up with a tampon and off we went :)

We got up to the lake and he was anxious to get out on the water. He never fell in the lake, but I was waiting with the camera to capture the moment if it was going to happen. Check out the pics of his new toy and the video of his first time out!